At Fuerza, we provide American family farms with a willing, able, and qualified workforce to ensure U.S. food security while providing extraordinary wage benefits to an experienced talent pool.
"FY21, the Department of Labor (DOL) certified over 317,000 seasonal farm jobs to be filled by H-2A workers, up 15 percent from 275,000 in FY20, and more than three times the 100,000 jobs certified in FY13." --Wilson Center
After the initial consultation we determine the best course of action for your business and guide you through the process. Through due diligence we will determine if the H-2A is the right program for your farm.
Together, we will determine what the best course of action is for your business and help guide you through the following steps. Ensure housing is licensed and program requirements are met.
Complete job order and petitions. Submit required documents to various government agencies to prove there is a need for foreign workers and that domestic U.S. workers will not be adversely affected.
Complete, gather and submit all petitions and documentation to the United States Citizenship & Immigration. Monitor process. After receiving approval, coordinate consular visa process.
Consular Visa Process
Coordinate with approved worker facilitator to assist with consulate process and logistics such as transportation, lodging, paperwork, fingerprints, interviewing workers
and transporting workers housing.
Workers Arrive
We work with you to receive workers and help with the onboarding process to educate workers and set expectations.

About H-2A
The H-2A temporary agricultural worker visa program allows agricultural employers facing a shortage of domestic workers to bring non-immigrant foreign workers to the U.S. to perform seasonal or temporary work.
We help agriculture employers complete a complex, multi-stage application process that includes recruitment efforts of U.S. workers.
At Fuerza, we help you understand the essential program requirements, use our knowledge and experience to interact with regulatory and enforcement agencies to help you obtain the willing, able and qualified workforce you need to ensure your crops and harvest are timely.
We believe in a strong U.S. food security program and that starts by growing and harvesting for domestic and international consumption while treating America's guests with the upmost dignity to earn an extraordinary wage.
H-2A Services

The H-2A program requires working with multiple governmental agencies. Due to the political and bureaucratic nature of the program, each year brings new challenges and potential difficulties for employers. At Fuerza we help you navigate the process by:
Conducting a mandatory intake consultation to learn about your business and unique talent shortage.
If approved, submit a tailored application on your behalf to federal and state regulators.
Continuous communication with government point of contacts to track and ensure approval of your application.
Provide government compliance advisory services throughout to ensure you understand your role and what requirements are needed.

At Fuerza, we provide year-to-year labor stability services in the areas of foreign worker recruitment, transportation, lodging and consular interview processing. Our partners in Mexico facilitate the following services:
Recruiting qualified workers
Helping workers prepare visa applications
Assisting workers through the consular interview process
Arranging lodging
Arranging transportation to employer-provided housing

The H-2A program is governed by complex laws and regulations. Fuerza provides compliance guidance and advice on H-2A program requirements, including:
Employers must conduct local U.S. worker recruitment by contacting former employees, advertising the job opportunity internally at your place of business, accepting
applicants from seasonaljobs.dol.gov and accepting State Workforce Agency (SWA) referrals.
Employer must provide housing at no cost to the H-2A workers and those workers in corresponding employment who are not reasonably able to return to their residence within the same day. Fuerza can help you license the housing and comply with all
health and safety standard.
Employers must pay or reimburse H-2A
workers’ transportation costs to the employment location and back to their place of origin. Our partners in Mexico help
arrange the most cost-effective transportation.
Employers must pay H-2A workers at a minimum the adverse effect wage rate (AWER) established by the government.
Fuerza provides you with up-to-date wage information.

When do I apply for the H-2A program?The H-2A application process takes approximately 90 days. Steps include: • Having or securing licensed temporary worker housing • Submitting job order to the State Workforce Agency (SWA) • Submitting approved job order and application to the U.S. Department of Labor application, no earlier than 75 days and no later than 60 days before the date of need. Please contact Fuerza at minimum of 120 days (4 months) prior to your date of need. This allows our team sufficient time to prepare paperwork and develop application materials tailored to your unique needs.
How does the H-2A application process work?1. Fuerza files your ETA 790 (Agricultural and Food Processing Clearance Order (job order)) with your local State Workforce Agency (SWA). SWA reviews job order to determine compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements/laws. SWA issues a Notice of Acceptance and recruitment begins. 2. Fuerza files your ETA 9142 (Application for Temporary Employment Certification) with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). DOL reviews application to determine compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements/laws. DOL issues a Notice (NOA), provides recruitment instruction of U.S. workers and places the job order on seasonaljobs.dol.gov website. Fuerza helps you prepare a report documenting your recruitment efforts to prove there is a need for foreign workers. After receipt of the recruitment report, DOL issues your labor certification. 3. Fuerza files your I-129 (Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (visa petition)) with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS reviews your I-129 and labor certification for compliance with H-2B program requirements. Once approved by USCIS, Fuerza schedules visa interview appointments for workers at the corresponding U.S. Consulate or Embassy.
Is the H-2A program harmful to U.S. workers?No. Employers must demonstrate that insufficient numbers of U.S. workers are available for the job. Employers must give preference to U.S. workers by: Paying the established wages to not adversely affect wages and working conditions of U.S. workers Offering employment to willing, able and qualified U.S. worker Not laying-off U.S. workers to employ H-2A workers.
Am I required to hire U.S. job applicants?Yes. Federal law requires you to offer employment to all willing, able and qualified U.S. job applicants. You must accept applicants from all sources including and not limited to the State Workforce Agency (SWA), former employees and gate hires. You must continue this through the first half of your H-2A contract period.
How much do I pay H-2A workers?Pay is based on the highest of: (1) your state’s Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR); (2) the state prevailing hourly wage or piece rate; (3) an agreed-upon collective bargaining wage rate; or (4) the federal/state minimum wage. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempts most agricultural work from federal overtime pay requirements. Some states may impose overtime pay in certain circumstances. You should research your state’s overtime requirements before employing H-2A workers.
Where are H-2A workers permitted to work?H-2A workers can perform work within the area of intended employment and normal commuting distance disclosed in your labor certification. Workers can only perform work in the employer disclosed housing, unless you are an H-2A Labor Contractor (H-) and satisfy H-2ALC requirements. Fixed-site H-2A employers are limited to a single “area of intended employment” per H-2A application. Area of intended employment generally includes work locations within your Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and work locations within normal commuting distance. Certain employers (e.g., commercial beekeepers, custom combine operators) qualify for special regulatory variances that allow itinerant work across multiple areas of intended employment.
How long can H-2A workers stay in the U.S.?Up to 10 consecutive months. Workers may transfer between H-2A employers for up to three years.
How many hours per week can H-2A workers work?Hours of employment must reflect full-time work schedule of at a minimum 35 hours per week. Employers can require additional hours. H-2A regulations require you to offer workers at least three-fourths of the H-2A contract hours.